Starting the Process

Let’s take the first step together to understanding your financial situation and providing you with high-quality information, services and products designed to reach your goals. Whether you are a new or seasoned investor, you owe it to yourself to benefit from our years of top-rated industry experience. Many of our clients have been with us over 15 years.

“I am blessed to still have the first several accounts I ever opened in 1989 as clients.” – Clint Gharib

A typical first meeting lasts about an hour, and our intent is to get to know you and you to know us. We want to hear your story and help you create achievable financial plans. We want to hear about what worries you and what your dreams are.

We start a new relationship by first assessing an investor’s “Risk Profile,” which is more than just black-and-white data on a piece of paper. Our next step is to help people evaluate their overall portfolio (risks, costs, taxes etc.) and improve their plan (or help formulate one if needed first). Then we do a comprehensive review of your situation to create potential solutions for you. We use a Risk Profile combined with our understanding of your unique situation and goals through our meetings and communications with you. We believe that a person’s temperament and personality need to be taken into account as much as the data on questionnaires to design a strategy for each investor as unique as their situation. Many investors take much more risk than they need and realize. We believe that risk management is paramount to investment success. This not only is our team’s mission statement but is also a constant guide to how we invest. We do not use or even have any proprietary products and are bound as advisors to act in our clients’ best interest always. There is no obligation or cost for our review. This allows you to “kick the tires” and determine in what capacity you wish to utilize us.

Should you decide to hire us as your advisor, we strive to ensure that you know your available options, the “what and why” of your portfolio and all costs associated with any strategies before any investment is made. We work like a “coach” for you. You own the “team” and make the final decisions – we work on assembling the game plan and pieces. We offer regular checkups of your portfolio, investment-related tax strategies, estate issues and performance.

Life changes – sometimes unexpectedly. As your advisor, we are there with you to help your portfolio adjust to your situation.

Start the Process HERE.